West Virginia Bad Credit Mortgage Lenders
West Virginia is often considered a southern state, because the majority of the state is located below the mason Dixon line. However, the state has a panhandle that stretches farther north than Staten Island. The economy in West Virginia is one of the more fragile, arguably the most fragile economy of any of the states in the United States. The recent census data shows that West Virginia is the third lowest in per capita income, ahead of Arkansas and Mississippi. Disappointingly, it also ranks last in median household income, and the proportion of West Virginia’s adult population is the lowest in the United States, with 15.3% of people having completed the degree. Typically, West Virginia has made its money with coal, the mining of coal being one of the major pillars of the states economy. Other than coal, the state is also engaged in drilling oil as well as farming.
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The total number of houses in West Virginia, according to the latest census, is 866,944. The number of occupied houses is 736,954, or around 85% occupancy. The number of owned homes (rather than rented) is 545,274 which gives West Virginia a 74% home ownership rate. The percentage of home ownership in West Virginia is slightly higher than the national average, which is 67.1%. This is accounted for by the mentality of the average West Virginian, which values a stable home environment and looks to settle down. Those looking to purchase a home in West Virginia will find the average cost of a house to be well below the national average. At $81,826, the median value of a house in West Virginia is invitingly low.
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recently, Fayette County ’s new Affordable Housing and Economic Opportunity program, the FCH-EOC, Inc., though only newly designated as a non-profit corporation, is already changing things up.
In existence for just more than a year, the organization is providing a home repair and rehabilitation program to Fayette County this summer.
The organization has plans to bring in at least 1,000 volunteers and leverage over $1 million in repair to damaged and dilapidated properties this year. As a special program, under way since the end of April, it draws from an all-volunteer labour pool of mostly out-of-state, faith-based groups, to conduct much-needed repairs to the homes of families that for economic or disability related reasons are not capable of getting the work done themselves.
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