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The majority of homeowners know that how much house you get for your dollar depends almost entirely on where you live. When you live in North Dakota, the prices of houses are looking sky high.
However, Coldwell Banker's annual Home Price Comparison Index showed just how huge this affordability gap could be, when they compared selling prices of similar homes in similar neighborhoods in more than 300 markets.
Specifically, Coldwell Banker looked at a 2,200-square-foot house with four bedrooms, 2 1/2 bathrooms, a family room and a two-car garage. Unlike the house, which can be objectively measured, the neighborhood requires a more subjective measure. With this is mind, the neighborhoods sampled were ideally one "typical for corporate middle-management transferees."
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In North Dakota, the housing market fluctuated from between $133,000 dollars on average in Minot, ND and rising all the way up to around $200,000 dollars in Fargo, ND.
When compared to the national average price of a home, which is listed in the most recent census in 1999 at $119,600 dollars, even the less expensive neighborhoods in North Dakota were well over the national average. Some have challenged these prices as unfair, and to look into it the federal government recently designated a large grant to finance the investigation.
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The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, or HUD for short, has awarded the Fair Housing of the Dakota’s an $188,538 grant to help reduce housing discrimination in North Dakota. The funding is part of more than $18 million awarded to fight the problem nationwide.
The Fair Housing of the Dakota’s mission is to eradicate housing discrimination in North and South Dakota through community education; encouragement of public involvement; assistance to those experiencing housing discrimination; and support of individuals and organizations seeking equal opportunity in housing.
The grant was awarded through HUD's Fair Housing Initiatives Program, which is designed to investigate allegations of housing discrimination, educate the public and housing industry about housing discrimination laws, and work to promote fair housing.
The Fair Housing Act, as amended bars housing discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, disability, family status and national origin. The Act covers the sale, rental, financing and advertising of almost all housing in the nation. HUD, state and local agencies working with HUD, and private fair housing groups that receive HUD funds, investigate allegations of illegal housing discrimination.
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