Residential Pacific Mortgage Lenders
Residential Pacific Mortgage was behind an astonishing nearly $3 billion in loans in the year 2005. They are licensed in Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Texas, Virginia, Washington, and Wyoming, and they are quickly joining the ranks of America’s top lenders. They have convenient branch locations that service each state in which they are licensed to lend. Residential Pacific prides themselves on their fundamental business strategy: building lasting relationships. Whether they are between customers, employees, or affiliate companies, Residential Pacific Mortgage’s relationships are their most valuable asset. They also boast a wide selection of products and services. Some of these include:
- First-time buyer programs
- Stated Income Programs
- Imperfect Credit Programs
- Home Equity Loans and Lines of Credit
- Fixed Rate Mortgages
- Adjusted Rate Mortgages
- Balloon Mortgages
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Residential Pacific Mortgage Bad Credit Options
Residential Pacific Mortgage realizes that there are many people whose credit does not appear to be perfect. In fact, they view their customers as individuals rather than individual credit scores. With that in mind, they have a selection of loans that have been especially designed to fit the needs of the nontraditional lender. What’s more is that they are affordably priced. Unlike many predatory lenders, Residential Pacific Mortgage does not take advantage of their customer’s unconventional credit state by charging them inflated interest rates and loan fees. On the contrary, Residential Pacific Mortgage wants to make sure that all of their customers can receive the benefits of their wide range of affordable products while receiving the benefits that come from owning a home. In the event that your credit is in need of repair, you can do so quickly by beginning to pay all of your bills on time. This is the simple secret behind obtaining good credit.
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Residential Pacific Mortgage Recent News
Residential Pacific Mortgage has just added the most essential piece of a great mortgage provider: a dictionary of mortgage terms that can be conveniently access though their website. This dictionary offers an exhaustive and comprehensive list of all of the terms affiliated with the home purchasing process, which helps both existing and potential customers understand the very confusing terminology associated with the loan process. Terms such as interest, appraisal, point, refinancing, and title are explained in an accessible and concise manner.
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